The step-by-step instructions on making and decorating breechclouts are well underway. Be sure to check them out under the “How-To” section in the site’s navigation bar.
The discussion starts with a heavily documented introduction to the clout as it relates to returned native captives. The post goes into a little more detail about how I arrived at the design and ornamentation of the breechclout that I have used for the last two-plus years. I included some of the questions I ask myself when creating a living history persona and some of the thought processes I follow when making clothing or accoutrement decisions.
In trying to keep the How-To instructions relevant to a broader range of characterizations, cutting out the basic breechclout and how I decided at the dimensions is set apart in its own page. I also included some hands-on discoveries I made in the wilderness classroom. Nothing special, but ideas that I think are worth mentioning.
Adding the hand-dyed silk ribbon binding and ornamentation will come next, and I will include some comments on what I discovered with the ribbons and with the trade silver pieces as well.
Keep in mind this is just one traditional hunter’s opinion—everyone has a little different way of stepping through time’s portal and returning to yesteryear.
Be safe and may God bless you