Steve Angell and Nick Viau offer a unique approach to preserving outdoor traditions through modern podcasts. These two traditionalists present a weekly radio show online. Unlike live, over-the-air broadcasts that require tuning in at a specific time and day, the podcast genre allows an individual to listen to a traditions-oriented discussion at any time—even start a podcast segment one day and finish it a few days later.
This past week I had the pleasure of being a guest on, their podcast site. Beyond an emphasis on family-oriented discussion and common decency, the ground rules were simple—there were none. Nick and Steve made me feel comfortable and relaxed from the start, the questions and responses were unscripted and all three of us had a whole heap of fun. Like most “campfire conversations,” the topics shifted back and forth. Answers generated questions that took the thought process in many unexpected directions. And we enjoyed ourselves so much we kept talking long after the audio recorders were turned off.
Please set aside some time to delve into the Traditional Outdoors web site, and especially listen to our discussion about traditional black powder hunting!
Check out other traditional outdoor sites, be safe and may God bless you.