Tag Archives: Black powder hunting

“January Grey Squirrel”

“Snapshot Saturday”

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Brought Back to Reality

Geese swooshed westward, tree-top high. Over the next few minutes, occasional kehonks told of a big swing out over the River Raisin’s bottomlands, then to the south, then back east and off into oblivion. The calm air felt cool and … Continue reading

Posted in Clothing & Accoutrements, Deer Hunts, Wilderness Classroom | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 6 Comments

Resurrecting an Idea from the Past

“Old Turkey Feathers,” a flintlock Northwest gun, leaned against a cedar tree, an arm’s reach behind me. A bare patch on that tree, stripped away by an unknown buck, faced us. Three other rub trees lined the swamp’s edge to … Continue reading

Posted in Muzzleloaders, Varmint Hunts | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

“An Evening Meal”

“Snapshot Saturday”

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Paying Humble Reverence

Winter moccasins stalked a favored lair. The scrub apple tree appeared taller, the two red cedar trees fuller with more dead branches on the trunks’ lower third. The first autumn olive to the south arched eastward, its upper branches touched … Continue reading

Posted in Deer Hunts, Skills | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

“Taking Careful Aim”

“Snapshot Saturday”

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The Intent of This Glorious Journey

A button buck stood and stared. Thick black hair bristled down the top of his neck, not long, but noticeable. The black mane, a genetic trait that first appeared forty or so years ago, shows up from time to time … Continue reading

Posted in Deer Hunts, Persona | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Seeking a Friendly Puddle

A cloud line angled southwest to northeast. To the northwest, the sky was clear and deep blue. Overhead the moon’s last quarter shone bright through a break in the dark grey clouds. The canoe slipped silent into blackish water. A … Continue reading

Posted in Duck hunts, Persona, Wilderness Classroom | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment